Sunday, March 28, 2010

Major Crisis

Do You know what I love about this blog title, it makes it seem like there is something going on in my life-- when really it is just the same old same old. Confused? I'll let you in on a secret... this is a play on words... I'm not having a Major (as in huge and drastic) Crisis... I'm having a Major Crisis... As in that thing I have to specialize in while I attend the University of My Choice :D

So, Let us get down to business. I have so far had 3 majors this year, Nursing (EPIC fail... not a good choice for someone who cant really do the science stuff), Music Education (Not only did I get rejected-- but it's not a good choice for someone who doesn't want to teach for the rest of her life), and now... drum roll please... International Relations (Ahh, Perfection).

So: My top 2 reasons as to why I think this one will stick?:
  1. It is what I have always wanted to do, ever since I was really little-- and by really little, I mean however old you are when you realize that Law and Politics could actually be a career. I don't think I want to be a Supreme Court Justice anymore (too much time and not enough time for a family) but I want to do something to help-- anything to help.
  2. I'm going to be doing music on top of it. No, I'm not insane-- I just don't want to ever give up my violin, and if I can continue to sing, I would be honored. I guess we'll just have to wait and see where BYU think I fit best.
So, We'll just say that I haven't been this happy to study since before I changed my major from Political Science to Nursing before school even started. I'm ready to travel this road and see where it takes me. Who knows? Maybe I'll find what I'm looking for :)

1 comment:

  1. You and I both...but I'm happy that you finally found something to be excited about! Definitely an example and something for me to look forward to...

    Best. xoxo.
